Be a Better Boss
We’re probably catching you between meetings. You know, the kind where the first one runs long and then the rest of the day is a cascade of apologies for being late.
And while “give away your legos” sounds great, in theory. In practice, there’s no way to do that. So you end up doing a lot of it yourself. Which you know is the wrong instinct.
Meanwhile, your team is waiting on you.

It’s not you — it’s a skillset. The difference between winging it and knowing what you’re doing is having management tools that work. More confidence, fewer fires, and actually signing off at night. No more making it up. No more feeling like an imposter. Just the relief that comes from knowing what you’re doing.
Because you actually do.

Strong management isn’t about one weird trick or finding a silver bullet. It’s not in a TEDtalk, or a business book, or even in a peer network you call when things get rough.
Don’t get us wrong, those are all good things. But they aren’t a replacement for a robust and integrated management practice.
You need systems and frameworks that let you know how it’s going, and new things to try when the work goes off track. So let’s go get you some of those.
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More clarity, more confidence, more calm. Less anxious, less chaos, less of that weird twitching eye thing. Our next program kicks off soon.
We’d love to see you there.
Johnathan and Melissa are the founders of Raw Signal Group, best-selling authors, and world experts on management and leadership.
If you’ve ever read a fighty piece that challenged everything you thought you knew about work or leading teams, there’s a really good chance they wrote it. Since 2017, they have helped thousands of leaders across the globe, from new managers to the C-suite, show up with more confidence and competence in how they lead.
Prior to Raw Signal Group, the pair spent 20 years working in tech. They met in the early days of the web and still get annoyed any time someone is wrong on the internet.

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Culture Study
How to Actually Build a Better Boss
AHP interviewed us for her ultra-popular newsletter. Five thousand words later, this is a pretty solid view of how we think about bossing, work, and what makes management a really hard job.
The World’s Best Newsletter
We write an entire newsletter about building better bosses. Every two weeks. Always free.
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“I have a masters degree in management, and the content covered, but more importantly, your teaching styles, were even better than my grad program.”
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“Melissa Nightingale & Johnathan Nightingale lived their values with me when I really needed it: supporting, caring, encouraging, educating, and sharing their time and attention with me.”
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