How fucked up is your management?
September 7, 2016
No one who takes management seriously, and does it well, finds this stuff easy. No one who’s been at it for very long imagines that there are shortcuts.
September 7, 2016
No one who takes management seriously, and does it well, finds this stuff easy. No one who’s been at it for very long imagines that there are shortcuts.
September 6, 2016
“This is one of the things that sucks for women in leadership. There is an inverse relationship between seniority and likability. The higher you go, the less likeable your coworkers will find you.”
August 31, 2016
I read the piece wondering how a reporter came to interview all men for a tech piece and didn’t notice(?), didn’t care(?), or, worse, didn’t think speaking to female tech execs or entrepreneurs would provide an important perspective for the piece(?).
August 30, 2016
Here are four steps to loosen the Silicon Valley deathgrip on talent you’d like to recruit.
August 29, 2016
Remote work, done well, is great. I’ve got no quarrel with the concept. But shaming companies who don’t do it doesn’t sit right with me any more, even given the arguments above.
August 26, 2016
We need to start by acknowledging that many people, particularly minorities in tech, are not in a position to write a post about every sexist or illegal hiring practice they encounter.
August 25, 2016
If the goal of unlimited vacation is to encourage people to take care of themselves, and to take the time they need, we should ask “does it achieve that goal?”
August 24, 2016
A busted recruiting process is a surefire way to dry up those referrals and chances are, you won’t find out until it’s already too late.
August 21, 2016
Very few leaders I speak with are openly racist or sexist — most insist they’d love to build a more diverse team but…
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