With bated breath

November 7, 2016

Photo by John Silliman.

By Melissa Nightingale

The Co-pour editorial meetings are pretty informal. Once the kids are asleep, the kitchen is cleaned up, and the house is dimmed for the night, we sit in the living room and talk about the week that was and the week ahead.

The topics range from the super tactical: who is picking up which kid when? — to the esoteric: what are self-driving cars going to do to real estate prices? or liquor sales, for that matter?

We strive to post regularly, but this week our attention is elsewhere. We’re waiting, watching, and hoping as the United States electorate heads to the polls. We’re crossing fingers and toes along with everyone else. With a shared sense that this one matters more than any other election that came before it.

We’ll be back next week to talk about leadership, vision, management, startups, tech culture.

This week, we have an ask from our editorial team. If you are reading this from the US and the multitude of other #GOTV efforts haven’t reached you yet. This post is for you.

Please vote. We’re all counting on you.


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